Thursday, 3 April 2008

Week 9 - Allo-ha.

Back on track this week, leading up to Easter. Straight-forward enough to get 5 miles in on Monday and a quick 3 miles with No.1 son was playing football on the Tuesday. That run past the new Forthside development will be so much nicer when some of the new path network is completed.

Work interfered with Wednesday's longer run, but being off work Friday allowed me to squeeze in almost nine miles on that morning. Not bad, considering I'd done a longer-than-average run at the club session the night before. The weekly average is now consistently over 30 miles and the knees are holding out. There is something to this training and preparation lark.

The week ended with the Alloa Half Marathon, completed in a best-ever 1 hr and 40 minutes, plus some seconds. Can't complain about that and, with hindsight, I quite enjoyed the chase against the clock along the Hillfoots (why is that not Hillfeet?) from Tillycoultry to Menstrie where I realised I was going to have to maintain 7:40 miles on tiring legs for the remainder of the race. Nice t-shirt too.

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